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March 04, 2023
The " NEW NAME " of " WOMAN "

So, I just had to laugh at how disconnected and BIZZARRO THE RADICAL LEFT REALLY IS !

~ Just now my husband was reading me an article about menopause , and he asked me if I wanted to hear about the
" crazies " , I had no idea what he was referring until I heard the phrase : " VAGINA OWNERS " ; ALLI could DO was 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

( I just started imagining stores that sold VAGINAS , LIKE CARS OR OFFICE SUPPLIES ....excuse me sir, I'd like to buy this FORD VAGINA V8 , or where do I find the vaginas in this store ? ! )
😅😅😅 🙄 🤦‍♀️

~ Ladies , we have just been
RE - reduced to a FICTIONAL CARICATURE , whom LEASES our VAGINAS , according to the INSANE LEFT 🤦‍♀️🙄🤯

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March 22, 2023
CHECK THIS OUT ⬇️ ( PERFORMED from MY son , he is 11years )
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