TRUMP CONFIRMS: HRC Was Executed Years Ago, The Movie Is To Awaken The Public
Trump posted a video of HRC at Gitmo mixed with his debate against her where he said he would appoint a special counsel to investigate her. Trump's text: SHE KNOWS WHERE SHE'S GOING = 276 = CAMP JUSTICE AT GUANTANAMO BAY = The Real HRC Executed Years Ago = Movie For The Public Wake Up.
By posting at 12:04 => 124 = One You See = Body Doubles = Real 1 Executed.
These confirmations from Trump help re-assure those in the High IQ Anon community that there are multiple levels of reality occuring right now. In truth, HRC was likely executed in 2019, but in 'the movie' HRC is alive, will soon be arrested publicly, tried for her crimes & sentenced accordingly.
In truth, Trump is likely still POTUS and we are in Devolution (Shadow Government) and Law Of War. In the movie, Biden is destroying America.