~ SO I have heard people say : Autism in children , is MORE COMMON these days....
🤔 ( Why is THAT )
OKAY , LET ME BACK UP to March of 2020 ; a friend sent me a video that was roughly 3 hours long DESCRIBING & PROJECTING ALL THE SO CALLED CONSPIRACIES that followed
" COVID " / aka : The PLANdemic .
THIS VIDEO laid out everything we have been experiencing since 2020...it is UNcanny how ACCURATE this video turned out to BE ; SO LET'S fast forward a bit : A part of THIS video projected that ANYONE who was to get any of the " COVID JABS / BOOSTERS " would have detrimental side affects that were mysterious and or fatal....so I ask you, why is that ?
Is IT because , THIS IS WHAT KEEPS BIG PHARMA in business?
Is it WHAT KEEPS " DOCTORS " in business ??
Is this WHAT KEEPS OUR CORRUPT G O.V. in business ???
It is SAFE to SAY , YES to all of these questions .
Let me jump back to the beginning , So I ask....why is AUTISM MORE COMMON in CHILDREN today??? ( OR has it been an " undiagnoses " that has been INDUCED as a SIDE AFFECT due to VAXES & BOOSTERS, that the G O.V. / BIG PHARMA / CDC DOESN'T TELL ANYONE 🤔 ?
My son has HFA ( High Functioning Autism ) ; before we left the hospital 3 days after he was born , he had , had 2 rounds of vaxes and one booster , A BABY of 3 DAYS young , SO BY THE TIME WE TOOK HIM HOME , HE HAD been GIVEN 4 VAXES and when we took him to the ped. they wanted to give him EVEN MORE VAXES FOR THE NEXT YEAR ( FIRST YEAR OF HIS LIFE ) EVERY MONTH Thankfully BUT UNFORTUNATELY he had an allergic reaction to whatever vax , every single time, so I dwindled his vaxes to just ONE a visit, till I figured out which vax he was allergic to..
I never figured it out, so That was when I said NO MORE VAXES 6 MONTHS DOWN THE ROAD, I gathered up his files and we started our path to HOMEOPATHICS AND NO VAXES , BUT NOW our son ( who is almost 11 ) is HFA , and I ponder the thought : COULD IT HAVE BEEN ANY ONE OF THESE FIRST VAXES THAT COULD HAVE BEEN AT FAULT....to which I will never know or have proof....THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL & UNPROVEN VAX INJURY !!!
MY son is A SMART, BIG HEARTED ,INQIUIZITIVE , BIG INTRESTS kind of boy who sees the world , hears the world, walks the world with BIGGER EYES, BIGGER EARS ,BIGGER HEART THAN THE REST OF US , to which I walk beside everyday , witnessing ALL HE ENDURES ; it makes me sad and PROUD everyday ! 💕💞
💀 ☢️☠️ DANGEROUS 💀☢️☠️
as ridiculous as it sounds , believe me...I am thinking it as I type this ...
But all the proof I need is my son and the news of MYSTERIOUS HEART FAILURES / CEASURES , AND whatever other side affects come down the road to these people who get their kids JABBED AND BOOSTED & themselves the same.....THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT ....DEPENDED / ENABLED HUMANS...... DON'T BE ONE OF THOSE.....👁👁 WAKE UP !!!!