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New Electric Car Statistics vs. Our Traditional Gas Powered Vehicles.

This is an adherence to this post from yesterday :

So with every coming day I am sure ( just like me ) you see more and MORE ELECTRIC CARS on the road , and APPARENTLY they are NOT AS SAFE AS THEY MODEL to BE.
A NEW STATISTIC just came out two days ago stating that ELECTRIC CARS HAVE THE HIGHEST CRASH RATE than GAS POWERED cars & trucks .
Chevy has a new ELECTRIC CAR that has been introduced into the is called : THE CHEVY BOLT , if you have never seen the commercial, it goes a little something like this :

A Father is driving in his Chevy Bolt and his young daughter is sitting in a carseat in the back ( she looks to be about 4 years old ) , they are driving along a country road in the evening talking about life , and then the dad says, " and here's the future " and he LETS GO of the STEERING WHEEL and they go driving off into the sunset ;
WELL , the sunset doesn' t last
long for new drivers of ELECTRIC CARS , due to : " THE SELF DRIVE MODE " that some or possibly ALL ELECTRIC CARS feature, also the reason THIS FEATURE FAILS , is do to the EXCESS POWER IT TAKES to keep THIS PARTICULAR FEATURE IN TACT LONG TERM , so because THIS FEATURE REQUIRES MORE BATTERY POWER , than the ELECTRIC car produces , the car's feature FAILS AND THE CAR GLITCHES AND LOOSES CONTROL, sending the driver into having NO CONTROL TO SAVE THEMSELF or potential passengers into potential peril
So , in essences , THIS FEATURE has not been tested enough or to it's fullest potential or proven to be "SAFE"

Electric CARS have been only been on the road for less than a year , and already been TESTED TO BE FAR MORE DANGEROUS than any GAS POWERED VEHICLE, and the fact that EVERY CAR COMPANY is NOW jumping on the E.C. BAND WAGON , I wouldn't be surprised if MORE STATISTICS such as THIS ONE are revealed to the PUBLIC.

( Artical to follow )

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March 22, 2023
CHECK THIS OUT ⬇️ ( PERFORMED from MY son , he is 11years )
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